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SR2 Technologies


October 2010

Mega Brands commissions SR2 Technologies to create and design a trophy based on Halo, one video games.

Trophé Halo
(Property of Mega Brands)

September 2010

Steve Gagnon of Production Equus commissions SR2 Technologies to conceive and realize prizes to be remitted to the winners of the Lys d’Argent International Tournament held during the St. Colomban’s International Medieval Festival, September 4-6, 2010. The prizes consisted of three rings designed by Mr. Gagnon.

Bagues du tournoi international du Lys d'argent(Properties of Steve Gagnon)

To watch the competition, visit www.medievales.ca

April 2010

MRC de l’Assomption’s Gala Prix Distinction 2010

Finalists of the MRC de l’Assomption’s Gala Prix Distinction 2010 received awards designed by SR2 Technologies.
See the finalists with the prizes conceived by SR2 Technologies and remitted to them during the April 30, 2010 Gala:

Read the article - Pierre-Le Gardeur De Repentigny’s Chamber of Commerce (in French only)
Read the article - Hebdo Rive-Nord (in French only)
See the picture - Hebdo Rive-Nord

January 2010

MRC de l’Assomption chooses SR2 Technologies

SR2 Technologies was granted the sculpture contract by the MRC de l’Assomption for its new Gala Prix Distinction 2010. It is by unanimous vote that the sculptures’ sketches presented by Stephan Raby were adopted by the three MRC’s Chambers of Commerce.

  • The Lanaudière’s Junior Business and Professionals Chamber;
  • The Pierre-Le Gardeur De Repentigny Chamber of Commerce;
  • L’Assomption’s Chamber of Commerce.

The sculptures were remitted to the 9 finalists during the April 30, 2010 Gala Celebration.

February 2010

SR2 Technologies is currently working jointly with Créations Magnolia to develop a unique signature for this company and its creations: a tactile brand to recognize and identify Creations Magnolia’s jewels.

Mrs. Fannie Croteau, owner of the company, runs a custom-made Swarovski crystal jewelry workshop.

May 2009

The Junior Chamber pays tribute to three business personalities.

The Repentigny’s Junior Chamber of Commerce commissioned SR2 Technologies to design and conceive sculptures to pay homage to three business personalities.
For more information (In French only)

Future projects

Visit this section regularly to learn more about SR2 Technologies future projects.


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